- Senior Showman – Teresa T., Elma
- Reserve - Paul B., Springville
- Junior Showman – Allison B., Springville
- Reserve - Sarah B., Springville
- Champion Showman – Teresa T. Elma
- Reserve Champion Showman - Allison B. Springville
- Master Showman - Teresa T., Elma
- Senior Showman – Grace K., Eden
- Champion Showman – Grace K., Eden
- Reserve Champion Showman - Cody S., E. Concord
- Master Showman - Ed K., Eden
- Champion Nubian – Cody S., E. Concord with Tilly
- Champion Sable – Ed K., Eden with Luna
- Reserve - Grace K., IO
- Champion Recorded Grade 0 Ed K., with Artemis
- Best Udder - Cody S., E. Concord with Tilly
- Best of Show - Cody S., E. Concord with Tilly
- Grand Champion - Sarah B., Springville
- Reserve - Teresa T., Elma
- 1st Place - Teresa T., & Buddy, Elma
- 2nd Place - Teresa T., & Walter, Elma
- 3rd Place - Paul B. & Lacy., Springville
- Dairy Goat Project Champion - Grace K., Eden
- Working Goat Project Champion - Allison B., Springville
Senior Division
- 1st Place - Teresa T., Elma - "Fair Entries: Flowers, Apple Pie & Tractor Pulling
- 2nd Place - Cody S., Springville - "Motley Crew"
- 3rd Place - Grace K., Eden - "Growing Strong Weightlifter"
- 4th Place - Ed K., Eden - "Ghost of 175 year Fair"
- 1st Place - Sarah B., Springville - "Superman"
- 2nd Place - Allison B. Springville - "Yankee Doodle"